
Vacuum Technology

VACUUM TECHNOLOGY-compiled by Benson .O Oderah. Vacuum is any enclosure whose pressure is less than atmospheric pressure. (760mmHg) APPLICATIONS OF VACUUM TECHNOLOGY 1. Electron microscopy 2. Sugar refilling 3. Vacuum filtration 4. Production of electric lamps/vacuum tubes 5. Vacuum cleaning 6. Semi conductors processing 7. Radio therapy and surgery 8. Freeze drying 9. Coating of glass Terminologies 1. Mean free path-difference between one point to another in a vacuum system. 2. Throughput- pressure *volume / time 3. Conductance-reciprocal of resistance 4. Digass-_removal of any gas inside a pump. 5. Critical baking pressure-pressure which can be tolerated in diffusion pump to start pumping. 6. Leak route-amount of gas which enters or appears to enter the vessel in unit time. 7. Pump matching-ability of pump to work together with pressure from other pumps 8. Pumping speed-through put( pv / t )/ volume / time Types of vacuum systems 1. St...