Vacuum Technology
VACUUM TECHNOLOGY-compiled by Benson .O Oderah.
Vacuum is any
enclosure whose pressure is less than atmospheric pressure. (760mmHg)
1. Electron
2. Sugar
3. Vacuum
4. Production of
electric lamps/vacuum tubes
5. Vacuum
6. Semi
conductors processing
7. Radio therapy
and surgery
8. Freeze drying
9. Coating of
1. Mean free
path-difference between one point to another in a vacuum system.
2. Throughput-pressure
*volume /time
3. Conductance-reciprocal
of resistance
4. Digass-_removal
of any gas inside a pump.
5. Critical
baking pressure-pressure which can be tolerated in diffusion pump to start
6. Leak route-amount
of gas which enters or appears to enter the vessel in unit time.
7. Pump
matching-ability of pump to work together with pressure from other pumps
8. Pumping
speed-through put(pv/t)/volume/time
Types of vacuum systems
1. Static vacuum
system-system pumps down, remove them and finally seal them. I.e. thermoflask
and radio waves
2. Dynamic
vacuum system-involves continuous evacuation. I.e. research institutions and
industrial purposes
Equipment’s for evacuation/rotary vave
Four stages in one cycle
Levels of vacuums
1. Low
vacuum 760-25 torr
2. Rough vacuum
25-1 torr
3. High vacuum
1*10-3- 10-6 torr
4. Very high
vacuum 10-6- 10-9
5. Ultra high
vacuum less than 10-9 torr
Vacuum pumps
Two general
1. Gas
transfer-physical removal of matter i.e. mechanical and diffusion pumps
2. Adsorption
–entrapment of matter i.e. sublimation and ion pumps.
Rotary oil
sealed pump-10-3 torr (high vacuum)
Rotary +
diffusion pump-10-2 - 10-6
Note. Rotary pump create vacuum, roughing the
system and backing up diffusion pump.
Other classification of pumps
1. Roughing
pumps i.e. rotary oil sealed pumps
2. Backing pumps
i.e. diffusion pumps
3. Holding pumps
Rotary oil sealed pumps/mechanical
pumps are used for;
1. Production of
medium, high vacuum on their own
2. Roughing the
system down to a pressure at which diffusion pump can start pumping
3. Backing up
the diffusion pumps.
Diffusion pumps
Oil is boiled
and vaporizes in a multistage jet assembly; oil vapour emerging from the nozzles
impact momentum on the residual gas molecules and drive them towards the bottom
of the pump; requires mechanical pump back streaming of vapour are some of the
problems and can be min immersed with cooling coils used to condense the oil
vapour before it enters the vacuum chamber.
Ion pumps
A cold cathode
electric discharge creates an electron gas which is trapped by a small magnetic
field. The electron gas ionizes residual gas particles in the chamber which are
attracted to the cathode made of titanium.
The incident
ions sputter off titanium which forms a thin film on neighboring surfaces and
form a thin film on neighboring surface and form stable compound with residual
gases in the chamber.
Minimizing condensing vapour in a vacuum system
1. Use of cold
2. Raising
3. Using gas
ballasting-system whereby gas is deliberated, introduced into vacuum before
condensing value is formed, forcing back up trap cap to open so as to release
the vapour.
Techniques used in classification of
1. Positive
displacement pumps-use mechanism to repeatedly expand a cavity, allow gases to flow into the chamber ,seal the cavity and
exhaust into the atmosphere.
2. Momentum
transfer pumps/molecular pumps i.e. turbomolecular pumps- use high speed jets
of dense fluid to knock the molecules out of the chamber.
3. Entrapment
pumps- capture gases in a solid /adsorbed state (ion pumps/cryopumps)
Components of vacuum system
A) Major
-Vacuum vessels
-Vacuum pumps
-Connecting vessels
/vacuum flanges
-Vacuum gauges
B) Minor components
line traps
-Cold traps
-Vacuum system
Fore line traps/bafflen back streaming
-Used to prevent
hydrocarbons and water vapour from back streaming
Vacuum flanges
-Used to connect
vacuum chambers, tubing and vacuum pumps to each other
-Used for isolation,
flow control and enabling access
-Valve body
-Gate valve
-Angle and
inline valve
-Ball valve
-Butterfly valve
-Leak valves
Types of vacuum oil .
-Mineral oil
-White oil
Properties of vacuum oil
1. Should be at
low pressure
2. Should have a
suitable viscosity
3. Should have a
adequate lubricating property
4. Should be
chemically suitable at pump working temperature
5. chemical/oil
should not be hazardous in vacuum system.
6. Mechanically
inert /unreactive pumping fluid.
Defects of diffusion pumps
1. Back migration-transfer of vapour to
higher vacuum side by evaporation of molecuoles which cling to the surface of
the pump.
2. Back streaming-movement of vapour molecules
back into vacuum chamber.
3. leak-continuous appearance of gas in
vacuum system
4. Insufficient
cooling system
5. Contamination
of pumping oil
6. High
Measurement of vacuum using gauges
1. Thermal
conductivity gauges i.e. thermos couple gauge or pirani gauges
- pirani gauges -operation
is based on thermal conductivity; a filament is heated and its temperature is
measured ,temperature depends on heat lost to the environment which in turn
depends on vacuum level. Works between 10- 10-3
2. Ionizing
gauges i.e. cold cathode and hot ionizing gauges
-ion gauges-A
filament is used to emit electrons which are attracted to a positively charged grid,
inside s negatively charged collector. Electrons collide with gas molecules a
round the grid and ionizes them, positively charged ions are attracted to the
collector and create ionic current; works between
10-3 – 10 -10 torr.
Leak and leak detection
Leak refers to
continuous appearance of a gas in a vacuum system
Types of leak
leak-occurs due to opening in system and it is repairable
Virtual leak-caused
by outgassing and it is irreparable.
Leak detection
Over pressure methods
1.wet testing
–vessel is immersed in water or liquid at low surface tension such as alcohol
whereby leak is detected by stream of bubbles i.e. the system vessel must be
pressurized prior to application of liquid.
2. sealing
compounds-in this, suspected soldered joint are covered with plasticine or a compound,
if leak exist, it is them sealed and pressure reduced.
3. Sniffer
technique-in this, gas issuing from leak in a pressurized system is sampled by
being drawn through a flexible tube into a suitable detector, electrons ionizes
gas molecules and then measured.
4. Spark coil (testa
coil)-used in detecting /locating leak in glass vacuum system
The tip of coil
is passed over the surface at the glass and when it comes near leak point, high
frequency spark lump from the tip of coin to the leaking area.
Low pressure methods
1. discharge
tubes-use change in colour when different probe gases are introduced
2. pirani and
thermocouple detectors-hydrogen gas is used as probe gas
3. Ionizing detectors-butane
gas is used as probe gas
4. Palladium
leak detector- hot filament ionizing gauge which is sensitive only to hydrogen gas,
hydrogen gas will enter the system via leak, diffuses through hot palladium and
is ionized by collision with electron stream .resulting into positively charged
ions being collected by electron stream which is at negative potential.
5. Halogen leak
detector- halogen gas which gets into the system through the point of leakage,
detected by palladium node electrons.
How vapour behave when compressed in a
vacuum system
When vapour is
compressed at a constant temperature; the pressure and volume decreases until
saturation point is reached; further compression may cause condensation of oil
vapour; any condensation of such gases/vapour may produce deteriorations of the
vacuum pumps.
Difference between
pumps-have individual jets chimney for each nozzle and uses oil.
Non fractionating
pumps-only have one chimney and uses mercury.
Pumps and compressors
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